1991 Symposium was “In the Bag at the Big D”

By Janet Black AIFD

Here’s a blast from the past with a recap of the 1991 Symposium. It was an exciting symposium at the Loews Anatole Hotel in Dallas, Texas. Ute Schnetzinger AIFD was the Chairman and Jim Johnson AIFD the Program Chairman. Wilton Hardy AIFD was President. The symposium was jam-packed for four days.

Notable programs included; Marie Ackerman AIFD and Gregg Hoppe AIFD– “Shop Til You Drop… This Years Newest Finds.” “Bag Some Stunning New Directions from Shimmering Topics” by Phil Rulloda AIFD and Silverio Casabar.  Even today you can find Phil on Face Book sharing his stunning designs and enjoyable quotes. He holds the AIFD Design of Influence Award. “Bag some Visual Impressions and Culinary Sensations” by Richard Seaboldt AIFD. He was an excellent floral designer but an antique dealer, commentator, and auctioneer!

Carol Caggiano AIFD presented “It’s in the Bag Celebrating New Products!”. Carol was a finalist in the FTD America’s Cup, a consultant for the Lion Ribbon Company, and Teleflora Design Team, a previous Northeast Regional Chapter member, an active designer at the Philly Flower Show, a Judge Evaluator, and a featured designer at the 1989 Symposium. Carol is currently a member of our Southern Chapter.

Derrick Vasquez’s AIFD program was, “Visions of Wedding Dancing in Our Heads”. Derrick is the incoming Regional President of the South West Chapter. He is active with the Foundation and has introduced us to the “Hand and Heart” game during symposium. His floral artistry includes large headpiece competitions and many stage presentations.

I could go on and on about this outstanding symposium. The experiences rounded out with additional programs featuring; Rene Van Rems AIFD, stage program “A Flemish Experience”. Gregor Lersch, “Images for Survival”. Rene and Gregor have both received the AIFD Award of Design Influence. Frankie Shelton AIFD, “Environmental Awareness”. Frankie was a Past National President and Fellow.

Jason Mc Collum AIFD, “Unwrapped An Evening of Thanks…Giving”. Inducted in 1980, Jason was an America’s Cup finalist, the first person to receive the Lifetime Membership for SAF Puerto Rico.  Bill Taylor AIFD inducted in 1978 was the emcee for the evening. Bill is active on our History Committee.

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