International Inspirations: Joo Young Park AIFD CFD DFA

Interview Conducted by: Louisa Lam AIFD

Name: Joo Young Park AIFD CFD DFA

Hometown & Country: Seoul, Republic of Korea

Current Floral Job: Founder of La Rose Flower & School

Why did you go into the Floral Industry?

10대시절부터 부모님이 운영하시는 꽃집에서 일을 도우며 자연스럽게 꽃 일을 배우게 되었고 좀 더 전문적인 공부를 하고 싶었습니다. 20세에 한국꽃꽂이를 배우기 시작했고 미국과 유럽스타일의 꽃 공부를 계속해왔으며 지금은 플라워디자인을 가르치고 후배를 양성하는 일을 하고 있습니다.

When I was a teenager, my parents ran a flower shop so it was natural for me to help around. In addition to assisting my parents in the shop, I wanted to gain a deeper knowledge in flowers. At 20, I took courses and mastered traditional Korean floral design and continued my career with American and European styles. I’ve been teaching floral design and fostering other florists in Korea since then.

Why did you become an AIFD® member?

1992년부터 Florist review잡지를 구독했었고 1993년에 서울에서 American Art Institute의 디자인 수업을 들었고 관심을 가지고있었습니다. 꽃 일을 한지 15년 정도쯤 되었었지만 조금 더 전문적인 지식과 이론적인 공부가  필요하다고 느꼈습니다 . 공부를 하기로 결심을 했고 시험을 보고 2008년 AIFD멤버가 되었습니다

I’ve subscribed to the magazine, “Florist Review,” since 1992 and the following year, I took a class by American Art Institute held in Seoul. I’ve worked about 15 years after that, but still had a desire to gain a deeper knowledge, learn more about theories, and develop my floral design skills. So I’ve decided to continue my studies, take exams, and finally inducted AIFD as a member in 2008.

What are your plans for flowers in 2023? Goals? Inspirations?

2023년에 플라워 스쿨을 확장해서 이전을 하였습니다. 올해는 좀 더 수업 커리큘럼을 보강하고 학원의 규모를 확장해서 다양한 학생들과 함께 공부하는 시간을 늘려가려고 합니다.

쉽게 꽃을 접할 수 있는 기회가 다양해진 시대입니다.

그러면서, 중요한 기본기법이나 전통을 쉽게 잊기도 합니다.

디자인의원리를 중요시하며 플로리스트 로서 갖추어야 할 전문성과 근본을 발전시키고 잘 가르치고 싶습니다.

In 2023, La Rose School & Design went through a change. We moved to a larger space and are offering more curriculums to accommodate and meet the needs of diverse students.

Flowers are becoming more approachable in our current society. So it is easy to overlook the importance of the traditions and basics. As a florist with an interest in developing more professionals in the flower industry, I’d like to take on the role of teaching and reiterating the importance of early principle of designs.

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