How to Make an AIFD Award Nomination

By Sharon McGukin AIFD, AAF, PFCI

A highlight of the American Institute of Floral Designers symposium each year is the presentation of awards.

This important AIFD tradition allows the membership to honor outstanding AIFD members and industry associates whose efforts have created a greater awareness of floral art. Your nomination of worthy recipients is a vital part of this legacy.

If you want to suggest accolades for a deserving nominee, we want to hear from you!

How do I make my nomination count?

To start your nomination, consider the criteria for each award.

Perhaps you’ve wanted to nominate a deserving AIFD member, but weren’t sure which award was most fitting.

We have bulleted lists (below) to guide you. You’ve nominated someone worthy, without including pertinent details, assuming the Awards Committee would know how to fill in the blanks. They did not, because they cannot. Awards are selected purely on the basis of the information and choice of award you submit to the committee. You must nominate the right person with the correct award and offer details as to why they are deserving for them to be considered.

Have you nominated a member of excellence – waited to hear the results, but they were never chosen? Maybe

the award you chose didn’t fit the individual’s body of work. If you’re interested in re-submitting after a two-year interval, find the right fit, provide more detailed info, and try again.

The recommendation lists can feel overwhelming when preparing your nomination. One easy way to find the right award for your nominee is to make a list of their accomplishments. Compare your list to the awards lists of bullet points below. Select the award whose criteria meets your list most precisely. Submit a letter of recommendation by mail. Nominations will be received, starting September 1, 2024 until the closing date of February 1, 2025, for awards to be presented in Palm Springs, July, 2025.

The process can sometimes be a little confusing. Let’s take a look at the individual awards with their lists of criteria.

Award of Distinguished Service to AIFD (Fellow):

       Awarded to longstanding members of the American Institute of Floral Designers in       

       grateful recognition of extraordinary service to the Institute, upholding its goals         

       and supporting its activities. Recipients shall be known as “Fellows of AIFD” and are     

       granted Life Membership.

  • Member of AIFD in good standing.
  • Served AIFD at a National level: Officer, Board Member, Symposium Coordinator, Program Coordinator, Committee Chair or Committee Member.
  • Served AIFD at a Regional level: Officer, Board Member, Committee Chair or Committee Member.
  • Served on the Foundation.
  • Served or has been a member of other allied or trade organizations.
  • Worked on special projects affiliated with or have contributed to AIFD and/or has gone above the call of duty to promote the mission of AIFD within the industry and/or to the consumer.

Award of Distinguished Service to the Floral Industry:

       This award is presented to AIFD members who have made a significant contribution

       to the floral industry.

  • An active role in AIFD by serving on boards and/or committees on either or both           

                a National or Regional level.

  • Active role in other allied or trade organizations.
  • Leader in industry education, research or product development.
  • Leader in the promotion of the floral industry at industry and/or consumer level.

Award of Design Influence:

The Award of Design Influence recognizes floral design visionaries whose creative  

body of work has national influence and constitutes a legacy of innovation.

  • How has this person supported or contributed to AIFD?
  • What specific contribution(s) has this person made to the American design style?
  • How does this person share their design talents?
  • Do they have the ability or intention to continue influencing American design?

Award of Merit Industry:

 This award is presented to members of the floral industry who are not members       

of AIFD but who are involved in the floral industry.

  • Is this individual, group or company an AIFD partner?
  • Has this individual, group or company provided support or contributions to AIFD?
  • Is this individual, group or company members of other allied or trade organizations?
  • What specific contributions has this individual, group or company made to the advancement of the

        floral industry?

Award of Merit Non-Industry:

     This award is presented to individuals outside the floral industry who are selected

     because of their personal or professional use of fresh flowers in such a manner as to be

     a credit to the floral profession.

  • In what way does this individual, group or company use flowers in a public manner?
  • Has their individual, group or company effort with flowers resulted in a greater awareness of flowers and/or floral design?
  • Does this awareness come about through floral education?
  • How would presenting this award to this person, group or company impact the visibility of AIFD?

How to Submit a Nomination

Letters of recommendation must be mailed to Awards Committee members prior to the Awards Selection meeting.

The committee keeps letters of recommendation or endorsement on file for two years. Endorsement letters must be personally written by AIFD accredited members in good standing.

Form letters or campaign letters will not be considered. The committee has the discretion of presenting all, some, or no awards in any given year. Bear in mind that no monies are allocated for travel, rooms, or expenses. Non-industry recipients should be considered from the region where the National Symposium will be held, due to attendance and travel expense.

You can find awards information listed on the AIFD website. If you still have questions, please contact the current Awards Chairperson – John Kittinger. He will be happy to help.

Why is it important for AIFD to present awards?

Learning how active members have given exceptional service to the association inspires others to create their own list of achievements. Thanking AIFD members and floral industry partners for their contributions creates goodwill and future collaboration. Presenting the awards from stage to surprised recipients creates positive energy. The audience also experiences joy by sharing in the recipient’s success.

Who would you like to be considered for an award in Palm Springs – July 2025?

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