Message from the National President

Submitted by Jackie Lacey AIFD, CFD, AAF, PFCI

2020…..New Year, New Decade (although there is still some discussion on, does the new decade begin at the beginning of 2020 or end of 2020). Proof that everything in our life must be looked at from different viewpoints and inclusion for everyone.

As your Board of Directors begins to finalize and implement the recommendations of the strategic planning meeting, this was a major focus for the future of AIFD – inclusion in everything that we do and a clear vision for success. Success in our events, success in greater education, success in our members and success for the future. The very heart and soul of our association is our members and the success of our association is directly related to the success of our members and the industry that holds our passion.

As we prepare for the upcoming executive board meeting and the Spring board meeting we look forward to putting into action some of the great ideas, discussions and changes for continued growth, greater inclusion and a clear vision of what AIFD is, means, and can be.

Education is part of our core existence and a major focus in the market, not just now, but always. It is one of our greatest assets and the way we continue to advance our skills, hone our craft and create a greater understanding of AIFD to the consumer. This process will get a push forward as we continue to advance with the combined joint efforts of AIFD and Wildflower Media/Florist Review on the progress of the book which will feature 24 AIFD members and their floral art. We are right on schedule with this exciting project that will be available for preorder in April and May to our members before it is available for sale on consumer shelves.

We are also seeing great strides in the final plans for 2020 Vision, AIFD National Symposium. Sandy Schroeck AIFD, CFD and Deborah De La Flor AIFD, CFD are leading a wonderful team that have another great symposium planned for you with some new opportunities and a strong focus on education. Register now to help make this the best symposium ever.

I could not be more honored and proud to be part of your leadership during this time. The volunteer members that make up your committees and board give tirelessly of their personal time, to share all they can and make the association the best it can be. We encourage you to get involved, mentor the new florist coming into our industry and the floral enthusiast that is part of the growing social community. The better we make it for the industry the better we make it for ourselves. You are AIFD! #proudtobeAIFD

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