AIFD National Board June Meeting Highlights

In June, the AIFD National Board held its recent board meeting at the Signia by Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort in Orlando Florida.  This annual meeting is held in conjunction with the AIFD Symposium. With so many facets of AIFD to be worked on, we are excited to share some of the important items that were discussed and voted on. 

Here are some of the highlights:

  • Ensuring the Symposium committee and National Board are in lock step, the Board voted to make the Vice President the chair of the Symposium committee for their year and make sure things are connected in planning and execution.
  • Lary McLean provided a report of the various events included in the 2024 Symposium to benefit the AIFD Foundation including the auction, Body Flower Boutique, Design Prop Gallery, Hands & Heart. There will also be World Class Experiences with Nicholas Peters and Tom DeHouwer that will benefit the AIFD Foundation. The Foundation will be further supporting and is excited to be partnering with the History Committee and AIFD to present the Designs of the Decades competitions. The AIFD Foundation continues to be a generous supporter of AIFD and the Symposium.
  • An update was provided by the Site Selection Committee for the 2027 Symposium location and it is exciting to announce that the event will be held in St. Louis, Missouri.
  • Membership in AIFD is comprised of talented designers from all over the world. There is recognition that International members may have different needs and different means of communicating. An International Taskforce was named to be able to consider and address any items of importance to growth and sustainability in AIFD.

Before the meeting was adjourned, 2023-24 board President Colucci thanked all Past Presidents for attending and acknowledged all outgoing directors for their service.

Following the regular board meeting, a special meeting for the 2024-25 Board of Directors Election of Officers meeting was called to order. The meeting was turned over to Nomination Committee Chair, Todd Sweeden.

Sweeden reported that, as is protocol and previously approved by the Board of Directors, Laurie Lemek has been elevated to the office of President and Renee Tucci has been elevated to the office of President-Elect. Seeing no further discussion or dissent, the committee discussed the process for the Vice President and Secretary.

After reviewing candidates for each office the board had opportunities for comment and questions and conducted a secret ballot vote.  The following new officers were elected:

Brent Leech was elected to the office of Vice President for 2024-25.

William Hattel was elected to the office of Secretary for 2024-25.

The election of Brent Leech to Vice President creates a vacancy in the position of SW Regional Representative. President Lemek announced the appointment of Lupita Quintana to the position of Director at Large on the Board of Directors for the remainder of the term previously held by Leech, one year.

Congratulations to our newly elected officers! 

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