Floral Design News

Dancing Flowers and Daring Designers

Dancing Flowers and Daring Designers

The Famed Southern California Headdress Balls Submitted by Cathy Hillen-Rulloda AIFD Two well-known charitable organizations – Las Floristas of Los Angeles and Damas de Caridad of Orange County – held famed annual fundraisers that featured floral headdresses created by some of the most renowned designers…

Connect Globally with Flowers

Connect Globally with Flowers

Submitted by: Bonnie Chu AIFD We are so honored to be able to invite Ms Rocío Silva AIFD, CFD PFCI to share online about how to create a Mexican Christmas wreath full of ethnic culture and mystic stories.  In one work Rocio used the garlanding…



By Gerry Toh AIFD The intoxicating enchantment of flowers have many people enthralled. A whole industry and culture of floral artists, designers and flower shop owners has given life to organizations like ours culminating in the annual international Symposium held in various cities throughout the…



This year’s Art in the Elements theme was ‘ART and ARTISTS’. The show’s impact on floral art in the region is being felt by more and more visitors each year, and by participating florists whose efforts directly benefit their floral peers’ educations.

Smile While You Shop!

Smile While You Shop!

Did you know that you could donate to the AIFD Foundation while you are shopping? Read on to find out how.

The AIFD Southern Chapter Presents: Gather

The AIFD Southern Chapter Presents: Gather

We are so excited to GATHER once again as a Southern Family. We have been separated for long enough. It is time to see our family, learn some new techniques and refresh our passion for Flowers. We will have main stage programs, leadership sessions, hands…

AIFD at The Great American Garden Party

AIFD at The Great American Garden Party

The 100th anniversary gala of the American Horticultural Society (AHS) was held in September 2022 at River Farms, a George Washington original farm, in Alexandria Virginia. AHS Is the oldest garden club in America. Over the past year, a handful of dedicated and committed leaders took it upon themselves to save River Farms from being developed into a townhome community, and after a long fight, they were successful in achieving this goal.

AIFD History

AIFD History

AIFD® history began in the mid-sixties, with creative floral designers coming together to watch programs featuring Buddy Benz, Tommy Bright and Sylvia Valencia. Education was limited to a group of accomplished designers reaching out for more.

East meets West

East meets West

You may be surprised to learn that painting and floral design have many striking similarities. Both art forms come in various genres and historical background in the design world.