Floral Design News

Announcing: The City of Flowers, Doral Florida

Announcing: The City of Flowers, Doral Florida

Congratulations are in order for Yola Guz AIFD and Ruben Consa AIFD! Together, they have brought awareness and flower fame to Doral, Florida. Doral is officially being named as The City of Flowers!

Applications for FTD’s America’s Cup EXTENDED!

Applications for FTD’s America’s Cup EXTENDED!

Are you interested in representing the USA and FTD in the world’s most prestigious floral design competition? Don’t delay! FTD has extended the deadline…

A PFDE Candidates Journey

A PFDE Candidates Journey

The final segment of a 3-part series, following the journey of Alicia Springfield who tested at the Floral Summit in Orlando on October 14th.

2021 PFDE® Results

2021 PFDE® Results

Learn the results from the PFDE held in conjunction with the 2021 Floral Summit.

Summit Success!

Summit Success!

A new flower frontier has been forged! In October AIFD members and friends checked into the Hilton Bonnet Creek Resort in sunny Orlando Florida for the 2021 PFDE and Floral Summit. On the agenda; the fall National Board meeting, a PFDE, a day of education for those in attendance, and concluding with a delicious dinner among new and old friends!

Presidential Profile

Presidential Profile

Patricia A. Pottle AIFD President 1994 – 1995 Board President Elect – Lynn Lary Mclean AIFD, Vice President – Kevin Ylvisaker AIFD, Secretary – Susan Overton AIFD, Treasurer -Kerney Broussard AIFD, Past President – David Hope AIFD, Membership Chairman – Derrick Vasquez AIFD, Symposium Chairman…

Every Moment is a Fresh Beginning

Every Moment is a Fresh Beginning

A word from the AIFD President Janet Black AIFD, CFD.



The Society of American Florists (SAF) pulled out all the stops for its annual convention held September 21 through the 23rd in Orlando FL. After having to cancel last years convention, members were ready to gather and share stories, ideas and discuss the many changes happening throughout the industry. Many AIFD® members took part in the convention as attendees, program presenters, committee members, design contest contestants and award recipients. Many AIFD® members took part in the convention as attendees, program presenters, committee members, design contest contestants and award recipients.

Industry Icon Joyce Mason Monheim AIFD AAF PFCI Received Arizona State Florists Association “Legacy Award” at Annual Conference October 2021

Industry Icon Joyce Mason Monheim AIFD AAF PFCI Received Arizona State Florists Association “Legacy Award” at Annual Conference October 2021

Joyce Mason-Monheim AIFD was honored with a new award created on her behalf by the Arizona State Florists Association, the new ASFA Legacy Award.