Young Professionals Committee Report
A note from new committee chair Andrew Stinson AIFD
A note from new committee chair Andrew Stinson AIFD
The Phoenix Rising floral exhibition was created by the Southern Chapter of AIFD® with the support of the AIFD Foundation, to forward the endowment of the David Shover AIFD fund.
CREATING FLAWLESS FORMS with Steve Rogala was presented by the North East region on Thursday, March 25th. Steps from start to finish, techniques, materials, tips, and much more were discussed in learning just how these special, custom funeral forms are put together.
See what the different chapters have been doing during the last few months.
The Historian Committee is meeting to discuss the 60th Anniversary of AIFD which will take place in 2025, and to create a book that every AIFD member can enjoy.
A word from the newly elected AIFD President Janet Black AIFD, CFD.
Meet the new editors of the Focal Points Blog!
All of the AIFD® regions took to video meetings during the pandemic, and no one is looking back! Having the option to create hybrid meetings is a game changer and can open up more opportunities to get involved on a regional and national level.
Learn more about this virtual exhibition where designers are invited to create floral installations in outdoor spaces.
Jennifer Lato AIFD, CFD presented through zoom for students in the Environmental Horticulture and Floristry Department at City College of San Francisco. Her main topics were working in a floral studio and the impacts of COVID in local businesses.