Floral Design News

AIFD Foundation Grants and Scholarships Announcing the 2021 Award Recipients

AIFD Foundation Grants and Scholarships Announcing the 2021 Award Recipients

The AIFD Foundation’s mission is to provide financial support for educational purposes, scholarships, projects and programs that facilitate the advancement and dissemination of knowledge in the field of floral design and related fields. The AIFD Foundation Board of Trustees is pleased to announce the 2021 Grant and Scholarship Awards.

Welcome CFDs

Welcome CFDs

Congratulations to our new CFDs from November 2020 – January 2021

FTD Contributions Strengthen the AIFD Foundation Catastrophic Fund

FTD Contributions Strengthen the AIFD Foundation Catastrophic Fund

The AIFD Foundation provides a Cornerstone of Care bringing Hope to those in Need. The cornerstone is strengthened today with a $5,000 contribution from FTD. The commitment from this company totals $10,000 in the last six months and for this, the AIFD Foundation is most…

Technology, Keeping Us Connected

Technology, Keeping Us Connected

In this challenging time of a pandemic, staying in touch with each other is so important. I am thankful for technology that is helping fill the void of not being together in person. The video conference platform has been amazing in providing a solution for staying connected in both personal and professional lives.

Welcome CFDs

Welcome CFDs

AIFD® would like to welcome the designers who achieved their CFD in August – October 2020.

AIFD Catastrophic Fund Brings Hope to Those in Need

AIFD Catastrophic Fund Brings Hope to Those in Need

The AIFD® Foundation Board of The Trustees established the AIFD® Foundation Catastrophic Fund to assist with physical damage to property, resulting from a natural disaster, in a timely manner.

From Farm to Florist Webinar

From Farm to Florist Webinar

A virtual webinar presented by the AIFD® North East, South Central and North West Regions, in partnership with Debra Prinzing of the Slow Flowers Society.

AIFD® Members Remember Marie Ackerman AIFD

AIFD® Members Remember Marie Ackerman AIFD

There is no doubt that Marie Ackerman took the time to truly know you, what meant the most to you, how you spent your day, and what you hoped to accomplish. She met each person with focused conversation and encouragement to reach for the stars and shine.

Reflections on an “Uncommon Mind”

Reflections on an “Uncommon Mind”

When you take a class with Ron Mulray AIFD, CFD you know it is going to be challenging, thought provoking, and most definitely uncommon!

A Word From Your Chapter Presidents

A Word From Your Chapter Presidents

See what the different chapters have been doing during the last few months.