Take a look back at Symposium in 1972.
The Historian Committee is meeting to discuss the 60th Anniversary of AIFD which will take place in 2025, and to create a book that every AIFD member can enjoy.
The 1990 Symposium was kicked off with “Dancing and Fellowship” hosted by the North Central and Northeast Regional Chapters. The next morning there was a breakfast bar for everyone attending to enjoy.
JANUARY 20, 1993 William Jefferson Clinton our 42nd United States President and Al Gore Vice President Back in January 1993 Todd Sweden AIFD, from Arkansas, was asked by the office of the First Lady Hillary Clinton to chair the floral events surrounding the inauguration. Todd…
AIFD Presidents that served two terms are few but powerful! Each represent extraordinary dedication to The American Institute of Floral Designers. Here are a few tidbits about our five wonderful two-term presidents.
By David R. Hope AIFD, AAF I became a member of AIFD in 1978. AIFD had a big membership drive that year to increase national membership. As it had started in California, the vast majority of members were from there. However, there was a growing…
Come to Symposium and stay in a dormitory? Did you know the first ten years were spent on college campuses? Learn more about the start of Symposium