East meets West
You may be surprised to learn that painting and floral design have many striking similarities. Both art forms come in various genres and historical background in the design world.
You may be surprised to learn that painting and floral design have many striking similarities. Both art forms come in various genres and historical background in the design world.
Dr. Solomon Leong, AIFD PFCI CFD and his team has been holding regular seasonal workshops with sunshine kids (cancer survivors) at the Children’s Cancer Foundations (CCF) since 2020 ranging from simple appreciation of flowers, basic floral skills, structure building and we have just completed the third program named “A touch of summer”.
As a committee member of the Hong Kong Flower Club Ven represented the Hong Kong Flower Club (HKFC) at the Hong Kong Flower Show in 2019, and won the Merit Award for Unique Feature.
Dr. Soloman Leong AIFD PFCI shares how collaborating with other creative industries is an experience that leads to innovation in floral designs.
United We Are Stronger
An article about the Latino AIFD Society
几周前,我收到了来自Louisa Lam AIFD 的电子邮件,讓我与 Focal Points Blog 分享,感谢她的鼓励,我愿意参加并很高兴与大家分享这次 COVID-19 期间我一直在做的一切!
3 月 18 日,马来西亚宣布 MCO
我的心情很复杂因不知会发展到什么情况。在 COVID 袭击我们之前,耒自世界各地鲜花的供应从耒没有中断过,但疫情之后一切都不一样了。
En los últimos meses, desde que inició esta pandemia, el grupo de Diseño de Smithers Oasis de México ha estado trabajando en un proyecto muy especial. Liderados por el equipo de Ventas de la empresa, el 4 de mayo arrancó un programa para ofrecer sesiones gratuitas por Zoom a todo aquel diseñador floral que quisiera inscribirse. La misión ha sido, desde el primer día, llevar un poco de alegría a los floristas de México en tiempos de incertidumbre y mantener vivo el entusiasmo en la práctica del diseño floral.
On Christmas day of 2019, Society of Chinese members of AIFD spent a joyful and warm holiday with their members in Shanghai.