If you have been around a while, you may already know the history of how AIFD came to exist. But for the newcomers, maybe you have wondered how AIFD got its start.
The short story goes like this: In the mid 1960’s there was a designer who envisioned a professional organization whose purpose was to showcase floral design, offer recognition to accomplished designers, make the public aware of good design, and do all of this through quality education.
Her name is Bea Frambach AIFD, and she was on the Board of Directors of the California State Florist Association. She approached that Board with the idea of an organization of designers, not for shops, that would have a rating system perhaps licensing and offer recognition to floral design.
The Board felt there was no need for such an organization and argued they had no money for establishing the organization. Bea shared her idea about this organization with Art McKee AIFD. He became enthused and suggested they start it now on their own. The spark was rekindled, and they shared the idea with Wayne Andrade AIFD who was also very supportive. Bea and Art shared the idea from the podium at a florist meeting and 11 people responded with their support and their money and they began meeting to formulate plans for an organization that emerged as the American Institute of Floral Designers – officially in 1965.
AIFD has grown in many ways since then, but we still exist to advance the art of professional floral design through education, service and leadership, and to recognize the achievement of excellence in this art form.