By Mame Brody AIFD, CFD
An Introduction to Chinese Impressionism will be presented by Cres Motzi, AIFD, EMC, on Thursday, January 14th, at 7PM. The North East Chapter of AIFD is hosting this virtual event.
Cres is a freelance florist who has studied in Europe, holds several degrees in floral design, and is an AIFD Certified Floral Evaluator/Judge. She grew up with an artist father who, along with her brother, mentored her all her life. Her dad, also a teacher, painted the exquisite artwork on our event announcements. We invite you to join us in this learning experience when we can direct our focus to another art form and see what Cres will teach us about Chinese Impressionism Painting.
Many of the Principles and Elements we study in floral design are also found in other forms of art such as painting, landscaping, architecture, etc. Even though Cres is a florist, her father always encouraged her to learn his art. This ability to move away from floral at times can lend a different perspective to the Principles and Elements and serve to inspire us in new ways. During the presentation, works of several masters of the Chinese Impressionism style will be shown and discussed. A look into something a little different can help rejuvenate us and give us ideas on ways to reinvent our own designs.
This visual Zoom presentation, narrated by Cres, will last 35 minutes after which there will be Q & A opportunities. Registration is required and is open to all. To reserve your spot, visit:
The NE Region is planning more of these free educational offerings in the next few months so be sure to watch for our next event by following us on our social media channels, or by watching the Events page on our website.
Facebook: Instagram: @aifdnortheast