Floral Design News

We’re GROWING With Our Partners!

We’re GROWING With Our Partners!

Our yearly symposium could not be produced without the generous support of our industry partners. As anticipation builds for us to be together this July in Chicago, we checked in with some of our partners to see what they have in store for us. We’ll…

We’re GROWING With Our Designers!

We’re GROWING With Our Designers!

Every year at our Symposium, attendees are treated to presentations, demonstrations and workshops by the best of the best in the world! This year, when we gather in Chicago, it’ll be no different. Get a preview of what’s to come from these dedicated designers and educators, before we see them in action.

The North East Region & The Philadelphia Flower Show

The North East Region & The Philadelphia Flower Show

Submitted by Laurie Lemek AIFD The Philadelphia Flower Show which has been described as the “country’s most prestigious celebration of Flowers” is, indeed, the oldest and largest indoor Flower Show in the world, attracting more than 500,000 people!  The Pennsylvania Horticultural Society (PHS) was founded…

We’re GROWING With Our Partners!

We’re GROWING With Our Partners!

Our yearly symposium could not be produced without the generous support of our industry partners. As anticipation builds for us to be together this July in Chicago, we checked in with some of our partners to see what they have in store for us.

We’re GROWING With Our Workshops!

We’re GROWING With Our Workshops!

The workshops at our yearly Symposium are some of the highlights of the week! In Chicago, the classrooms will be filled with experts to teach you everything from design to business.  Get a preview of what’s to come from these dedicated designers and educators, before we see them in action.

New CFDs

New CFDs

Congratulations to our new CFDs from March 2023 – May 2023

We’re GROWING With Our Designers!

We’re GROWING With Our Designers!

Every year at our Symposium, attendees are treated to presentations, demonstrations and workshops by the best of the best in the world! Get a preview of what’s to come from these dedicated designers and educators, before we see them in action.

We’re GROWING With Our Partners!

We’re GROWING With Our Partners!

Our yearly symposium could not be produced without the generous support of our industry partners. As anticipation builds for us to be together this July in Chicago, we checked in with some of our partners to see what they have in store for us. We’ll…

Sustainability is the Key – Spreading Love with Flowers to the Community

Sustainability is the Key – Spreading Love with Flowers to the Community

Spreading the joy and positivity of flowers in the community is not a one-off event but an ongoing process.  Keeping the positive momentum! Following the third floral workshops “A touch of summer”, Dr. Solomon Leong, AIFD PFCI CFD and his team has just held another series of workshops with the sunshine kids (cancer survivors) at the Children’s Cancer Foundations (CCF) bringing another perspective of floral arrangement to them.

Getting to know your Twenty Second President

Getting to know your Twenty Second President

Submitted By Janet Black AIFD With the recent passing of Past President Wilton Hardy AIFD, I thought it would be fitting to learn a little more about our fabulous leader. Wilton began his floral career at the age of fourteen at an open air, metal…