Melodies of Autumn Blooms: Radiant Grace – Showcasing Talent and Creativity of our CFD/AIFD graduate students

– Bonnie Chu AIFD CFD

“Melodies of Autumn Blooms: Radiant Grace” was the title of a captivating floral exhibition organized by SOLOMON BLOEMEN Flower School, held at the conservatory in Hong Kong Park during early November. Showcasing the remarkable talent and creativity of graduate students from the CFD/AIFD programs, the exhibition featured over 20 breathtaking floral arrangements, bursting with vibrant colors, alluring fragrances, and enchanting designs.

SOLOMON BLOEMEN Flower School has always been committed to providing a platform for its students to showcase their artistic abilities and ingenuity. This exhibition served as an opportunity for these talented individuals to express themselves while also educating the general public about the captivating world of floral arts, taking the exhibition to new heights of appreciation.

In addition to the exquisite displays, the school’s instructors conducted floral demonstrations, sharing their professional tips and tricks with the eager audience. Through these demonstrations, attendees had the opportunity to delve into the artistry and craftsmanship that goes into creating stunning flower arrangements.

We take immense pride in presenting the magnificent floral creations crafted by our dedicated students who have completed our CFD, AIFD, and TQUK courses. This exhibition went beyond being a mere floral extravaganza; it was an inspirational testament to the power of floral art. It is not just a means of creating aesthetically pleasing works but also possesses the potential to transform lives. Our students are living examples of this transformative power, having embraced their passion and embarked on a fulfilling journey towards success.

Like many others, they may have initially hesitated and doubted themselves. However, they courageously took that pivotal first step, immersing themselves in the captivating world of floral art. Now, they proudly showcase their astonishing creations, which reflect the knowledge, skills, and artistic flair they have acquired through their studies.

「秋之韻律 : 綻放之美 」是由SOLOMON BLOEMEN花藝學校組織的一場花藝展覽,於香港公園的溫室在11月初舉行。展覽展出了超過20件色彩繽紛、芬芳迷人、獨特迷人的花藝作品。SOLOMON BLOEMEN一直致力於為學生提供展示才華和創造力的平台,同時幫助普羅大眾了解花藝藝術,將展覽提升到新的高度。


我們自豪地展示了通過我們的CFD、AIFD課程所培養的學生創作的美麗花藝作品。這次展覽不僅僅是一場花藝盛宴,更是一個鼓舞人心的見證。花藝不僅僅是創造美麗作品的方式,它還具有改變人生的潛力。我們的學生們就是活生生的例子,他們通過追隨自己的熱愛,走上了通向成功的道路。 他們或許也曾遲疑不決。但是,他們勇敢地邁出了第一步,投身於花藝的世界。現在,他們以他們應用所學知識和技巧創作的令人驚嘆的作品展示給大家。

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