Focal Points: An AIFD Blog



Submitted by: Gerry Toh AIFD As an avid florist, Allen Beck started, as many of us did, at the bottom of the flower shop chain. As a driver, or flower processer. Hard work did not deter him and eventually, his love of flowers led him…

Spreading the Positivity of Flowers during the Pandemic Period

Spreading the Positivity of Flowers during the Pandemic Period

Dr. Solomon Leong, AIFD PFCI CFD and his team has been holding regular seasonal workshops with sunshine kids (cancer survivors) at the Children’s Cancer Foundations (CCF) since 2020 ranging from simple appreciation of flowers, basic floral skills, structure building and we have just completed the third program named “A touch of summer”.

Structural Difference Between the National and Regional Chapter Boards

Structural Difference Between the National and Regional Chapter Boards

Learn the differences in organizational structure between the AIFD® National Board of Directors and the Regional Chapter Board of Directors.

SAIFD Students Soar with Scholarships

SAIFD Students Soar with Scholarships

A PFDE Scholarship is awarded annually, by the AIFD Foundation, to recognize the incredible talent of the Overall Student Competition Winner. This scholarship covers the costs of PFDE up to $3,000. This year’s winner really knocked it out of the park! Kiara Benavides from Cal Poly in San Luis Obispo, CA was the well-deserving winner, thanks in part, to the guidance and leadership of her advisor Melinda Lynch AIFD.

Bring FFA to AIFD Virtual Workshop 2022 ‘Fun with Creativity’

Bring FFA to AIFD Virtual Workshop 2022 ‘Fun with Creativity’

For five FFA Teams from across the United States, the second “Bring FFA to AIFD Virtual Workshop,” hosted by the AIFD® Career Development Committee was a day to remember. The FFA chapters focused on this year’s theme of “Fun with Creativity” with design instructors, Lisa Belisle AIFD, Lesleighan Cravens AIFD, Sharon McGukin AIFD, and Julia Marie Schmitt AIFD.

Chapter Updates October 2022

Chapter Updates October 2022

See what the different chapters have been doing during the last few months and what is coming up next.

Arkansas’ Floral Association Celebrated with PASSION

Arkansas’ Floral Association Celebrated with PASSION

See some highlights from the Arkansas Floral Association’s 70th Annual Convention and Vendor Showcase. The theme was PASSION.

President’s Message

President’s Message

T.L. Todd Sweeden, President AIFD First and foremost as I begin this report, I must say thank you for giving me the opportunity to serve AIFD® as your 2022-2023 president. The honor is humbling and I continue to be mindful of all this office entails.…

Apprentice to Designer

Apprentice to Designer

Do you need new floral designers and can’t find any?  How about training your own.  The State of Idaho has a Registered Apprenticeship Program.  An Apprenticeship Program is an industry-driven, high quality career pathway where employers, schools and organizations can develop and prepare their future workforce.  This is a national program from your state’s department of labor. 

Southern Chapter is hosting a Body Flower Contest & We Want You!

Southern Chapter is hosting a Body Flower Contest & We Want You!

Make a boutonnière and add some flair. Then enter the Southern Chapter’s Body Flower Contest.